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Tax Fraud Alert: Tax Cash So Fast

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Owner of Tax Cash So Fast pleads guilty to filing false income tax returns.

Apparently, the IRS gives no points for creative writing. Kesha Spencer, 39, of Cincinnati, Ohio, recently found this out the hard way, as she pled guilty to one count of aiding and assisting in the preparation of false federal income tax returns. According to court documents, Spencer operated a tax preparation business located in Cincinnati, Ohio known as Tax Cash So Fast. She prepared and electronically filed approximately 200 false federal individual income tax returns with the IRS for each of the 2010 and 2011 income tax years. The income tax returns reported fraudulent or non-existent household income, head of household filing status, and dependents. In addition, they falsely claimed refundable credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Making Work Pay Credit, and the American Opportunities Credit. Some of the false tax returns prepared and filed by Spencer were entirely fictitious, including those filed on behalf of several individuals who were actually incarcerated at the time. The tax loss to the IRS associated with the filing of these false income tax returns was approximately $103,541.97 Spencer also filed false 2010 and 2011 individual income tax returns for herself that omitted most of the income she earned from preparing returns through Tax Cash So Fast and omitted unemployment compensation she received in 2010 and claimed false Schedule A and Schedule C expenses. Tax loss associated with the filing of these returns was $33,245.27. Spencer was released on bond and awaits sentencing, where she faces a maximum of three years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. We certainly hope her lawyer is as creative as she was.

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