Providing Innovative Solutions To
Complex Tax Problems

Corporate Tax Compliance Lawyers in St Louis

Helping Entrepreneurs and Businesses Stay on the Right Side of the Law

A move into the corporate world is an exciting endeavor for many. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur just starting out or you’ve built a multi-million dollar business from scratch, the rewards of hard work are worth the effort. However, building a business also brings new challenges — many of which involve paying taxes. If you need assistance with planning or dealing with authorities, a corporate tax compliance lawyer in St. Louis may be able to help.
At The Law Firm of Lance R. Drury, P.C., our dedicated team of legal professionals will work to make your corporation or business a success. Our law firm is a thriving business, so we know the difficulties entrepreneurs face due to the IRS and the Missouri Department of Revenue. Fortunately, you don’t have to face these challenges alone. Our law office offers flat fees and free consultations, so reach out to us today.

Why Should Businesses Work With a Tax Attorney?

Many people wonder whether they actually need an attorney to handle tax issues. Individuals running a sole proprietorship may feel that their taxes are straightforward, and larger businesses may already have an accountant on staff. However, there are still a variety of reasons that entrepreneurs choose to work with St. Louis corporate tax compliance lawyers:

  • Advanced understanding of tax law, compliance, planning, and dispute resolution
  • Ability to help minimize business tax liability
  • Representation when facing audits from state or federal tax authorities
  • Strategizing and planning taxes in order to align with your financial goals
  • Legal protection and guidance
  • Dispute resolution
  • Confidentiality that cannot be violated — so anything you say is privileged

The benefits of seeking legal help cannot be understated. If you haven’t encountered any tax compliance issues, an attorney can work to ensure you never do. More importantly, a lawyer offers various benefits — ranging from attorney-client privilege to representation during tax investigations — that accountants simply can’t provide.
These advantages alone are enough to justify scheduling your free consultation with our corporate tax compliance lawyers in St. Louis. Contact us today for assistance.

What Taxes Do Corporations and Businesses Have to Pay?

Whether you decide to work with a legal professional does not change the need for a basic understanding of taxes. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you have to take an accounting seminar or stay up to date on tax law. After all, it’s your tax attorney’s duty to do that. However, you should still have an understanding of the types of taxes your business is expected to pay:

Small Business Income Taxes

Anyone who has worked for others remembers having to pay individual taxes. Similar to this, businesses must pay taxes on money they bring in throughout the year. Unfortunately, corporate taxes are far more complex than their individual counterparts. They must include outside income, gross income from sales, tax write-offs, the costs of goods, and much more.

Employment Taxes

It’s not only contingent on businesses to pay their own taxes; they also have to take out employment taxes as well. These are taxes they subtract from employee paychecks to fund government programs. It’s necessary for businesses to withhold these taxes throughout the year. Unfortunately, this can be complicated and have major consequences if done incorrectly.

Excise Tax

Some businesses will only need to worry about income and employment taxes. However, there are some that will need to pay an additional excise tax due to their industry. This tax can be imposed by the state or federal government.
It’s important to understand whether you’re in an industry that requires this additional tax, and if so, a corporate tax compliance attorney in St. Louis can make sure you stay on the right side of the law.

How Can Our St. Louis Tax Attorneys Assist With Compliance Issues?

For those who enter the business world — particularly without the assistance of a St. Louis corporate tax compliance lawyer — tax disputes will invariably arise. Perhaps you were unable to make a payment on time, or maybe you filed something incorrectly or late. Whatever the case, simple issues can lead to scrutiny from the government. When this happens, our law firm can assist you with the following:

  • IRS audits
  • Federal tax liens
  • Late or unfiled taxes
  • IRS investigations and revenue officers
  • Installment agreements
  • Tax avoidance
  • Overpayment and refund claims

In these and many other cases, our corporate tax compliance lawyers in St. Louis are ready to help. It’s never fun to go up against tax authorities, but we’ll make sure you have knowledgeable and experienced legal representation on your side.

Contact Our Corporate Tax Compliance Lawyers in St. Louis Today

Running into compliance issues with tax authorities is a stressful event. Even something as common and seemingly unserious as clerical errors can cause major issues. A failure to comply with tax law results in more than just having to correct the problem. In fact, businesses often face financial difficulties due to additional fines, penalties, interest, and more. Fortunately, you may be able to avoid all this with the help of a legal professional.
At The Law Firm of Lance R. Drury, P.C., we’ve spent years assisting budding entrepreneurs and successful corporations with all manners of tax issues. We know what it takes to stay within the confines of the law, but we also know how complicated this law can be. That’s why we’re here to help you remain compliant at all times — and if you’re already experiencing issues with tax agencies, we can work to secure a favorable outcome on your behalf.
Contact us at (573) 508-0399 for a free consultation. Our corporate tax compliance lawyers in St. Louis are here to help.